Visual, instant and intuitive analysis of Mercado Libre to understand the market and increase your sales.
Competition Gallery
- Quick display of publications with all their attributes
- Product gallery with competitive data
- Type of publication (Classic / Premium) - Catalogue
- Search by seller
- Name and type of vendor
- Vendor reputation
- Shipping Free > Full / Flex
Price analysis
- Instant price display
- Price curves
- Segmentation by words, filters and vendors
- Product grouping by price range
- Display of products within a price range
- Direct navigation from graphic to product
Title analysis
- Word chart
- Intuitive display of title words
- Quantification of the relevance of each word
- Optimized title assembly wizard
- Segmentation by words, filters and vendors
Geographical location
of the offer
- Supply map by province, city and neighborhood
- Range of units sold per product by province, city and district
- Range of sales by province, city and neighborhood
- Color thermometer by province
Instant comparison
- Configuration of instant analysis charts
- Keyword and vendor filters
- Selection of fields to be displayed
- Sort field selection
- Filter segmentation
Start analyzing Mercado Libre now
Management system that transforms your real company to work virtually.
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