The most intuitive and powerful market intelligence platform for Mercado Libre
- Hyper-linked market navigation
- Catalog analysis and tracking
- Multi-language
- Display of sales in dollars
- Streamlined and intuitive user interface
- Featured favorite vendors
Explore the market > Analyze your competition > Optimize your strategy > Grow your business
Market information
Market Explorer
- Total sales by category
- Number and participation of subcategories within a category
- Sales growth and decline
- Average category price
- Number of publications with sales
Sales rankings by category
- Best-selling catalog products
- Best-selling publications
- Top sellers in the category
- Top selling brands
- Official stores with more sales
Detailed category analysis
- Performance indicators
- Sales evolution in pesos and units
- Sales participation by type of shipment
- Sales participation by leading vendors
- Sales participation by exposure and type of financing
- Share of catalogued sales
- Share of discounted sales
- Total number of salespeople and by reputation
Competence monitoring
Vendor analysis
- Evolution of sales in pesos
- Evolution of sales in units
- Radiography of vendors
- Vendor comparison
Brand analysis
- Evolution of sales in pesos
- Evolution of sales in units
- Brand radiography
- Brand comparison
Analysis of publications
- Evolution of sales in pesos
- Evolution of sales in units
- Radiography of publications
- Comparison of publications
Catalog analysis
- Evolution of sales in pesos
- Evolution of sales in units
- X-ray of catalogs
- Catalog comparison
Start analyzing Mercado Libre now
Management system that transforms your real company to work virtually.
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